Best English Medium School in Gulshan

English is the easiest way to communicate with foreign people worldwide, known as a global language. Most educated Bangladeshi people can fluently read, write and speak. So, for the betterment of your child, English medium school will be a preferable option.

In Bangladesh, we are not native English speakers, and English medium school helps to learn English by primarily using this language. When you think of starting a family, the first thought is giving your child the best education system.

Are you thinking of moving to Gulshan? Let’s move on to help you find reasons, a new Best English Medium School in Dhaka and the top three best English medium schools in Gulshan.

Top Three Best English Medium School in Gulshan

Are you tired of researching top English medium schools near you? Let’s help you out to know about the top three schools in Gulshan based on reviews.

Curriculum Cambridge Edexcel





To be ready for challenges

Sir John Wilson School


To have academic excellence with a safe and learning environment




Manarat Dhaka International


School To have a good character in life.

Academia School


To have a quality education
with discipline and values





Chittagong Grammar School,


Dhaka To be dedicated with good ethics and morals

Bangladesh International
TutorialTo serve the nation

Global Language: English

Native speakers and non-native speakers use English as a means to communicate. Anyone who does not speak Bangla can speak in English to get help.

Moreover, many people throughout countries have basic knowledge of the English language, and having the basic knowledge is a lot to survive in an unknown place! All the reasons prove that English is a global language, and lacking fluency will be a problem to survive.

What Age is Perfect to Learn a New Language?

Researchers have proved that children can quickly learn a new language. As children have a growing mind, their brain is active in language acquisition. Look around and observe the children near you.

You will understand that they keep on repeating a new thing they learn. Children with such skills will help them learn English quickly as we know “practice makes a man perfect.”

If you admit your child to an English medium school, they will regularly use English to communicate with teachers and friends. Eventually, you will realize that your child is having a good command of English.

Make sure you start early to help your child finding it tough to learn English!

First Attempt to Learn English

No one can be a perfectionist in the first go, and it is obvious to make mistakes. For children, its tough to learn new things and also to make mistakes.

Teens or older people tend to feel embarrassed when they realize they made a mistake. On the other hand, children do not even know it is a mistake useless they get a scold from parents.

Tip: Children learn through making mistakes, so stop behaving rudely!

Being a parent is tough, so it is convenient to admit your child to an English medium school. They will learn from the mistakes, and they would not even realize to feel ashamed about it.

Equipment and Methods

The most important rule that English medium teachers need to follow is being friendly with the students. Unlike regular schools, they are not allowed to speak harshly with students. So, often children find the classroom environment to be adjustable and participative.

We often hear people saying that English medium school is advanced. The logical reason is that they are well-equipped as teachers use different things to engage children in the class.

Another way to help children is the extra-curricular activities set by English medium schools.

The school authority has a set of activities for students that engage and add skill in their future.

Being well equipped and proper methods shows that English medium schools have better infrastructure too.

Benefits in Higher Education

English is globally in use for communication. In the advanced world, it is more vital for your child to have fluency in the English language. You do not want your child to face difficulties in the future and, meanwhile, to be well-educated too.

Bangladesh is still a developing country, so people tend to go abroad for a master’s degree. There is no scope for getting a Ph.D. degree in Bangladesh. So, to make the new place environment friendly, your child must have fluency in English.

Better Job Opportunities

Bangladesh is overpopulated. Around twenty people apply for a job when they see a circular. In addition, one of the standard requirements is having fluency in English or good command of English.

So, an English medium school will get your child one step ahead!

Accessing the Web

Gadgets are often used in the English language, and children enjoy using them. In addition, the world is advancing to be accessible around the world with a click. Not only gadgets and being social, but well-written books are also in English.

The entertainment world is flourishing over English movies and series. Even though typical school students have more grammatical knowledge, they cannot easily understand people speaking fast. At least, getting entertained would also require your child to know the English language.

So, it is not an additional skill in life now but rather a necessity in real life.


There are benefits to a child’s future if they get admission to an English medium school. So, stop worrying! Depending on your priorities, choose the best English medium school in Dhaka for your child.

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