Exploring the Advantages of Using English-Certified Translation in Education

English-Certified Translation

English Certified Translation International education is essential for promoting academic collaboration, fostering cultural interchange, and enhancing educational opportunities in today’s globally connected world. English literacy is crucial for students pursuing an international education because it has replaced other languages as the primary means of communication worldwide. However, language limitations can make it difficult for people … Read more

Best English Medium School in Gulshan

Best English Medium School

English is the easiest way to communicate with foreign people worldwide, known as a global language. Most educated Bangladeshi people can fluently read, write and speak. So, for the betterment of your child, English medium school will be a preferable option. In Bangladesh, we are not native English speakers, and English medium school helps to … Read more

Computer Technology in Education: Benefits and Effectiveness

Computer Technology in Education

Technology has transformed the lives of people in different situations, and most classrooms look much different than they did 20—or even 10—years ago. The traditional chalkboard has been replaced with more digital and interactive whiteboards while instructors are increasingly using iPads and tablets. Is the advancing classroom detrimental to the students, or are there benefits … Read more