How a Company Can Organize Business Trips

Business trips are an essential part of working life in every company with a branch office in another city or even a foreign country. Organizing business trips takes work; as a rule, it often falls on the shoulders of a secretary or an HR assistant. In case you have never managed a business trip, we have prepared this article with some essential advice and a plan for you to follow. 

Making a business trip agenda

Let’s find out what details you need to take into account. As a rule, any business trip begins with planning and preparing the program. Thus, it would help if you started with a plan of fixed or major events. These events are the time and place you have already clearly defined. Write them down first, preferably in the planner, so that you can determine which deadlines are mandatory at a glance. A tentative program could include the following information: time (day, month, departure, arrival, length of trip), mode of transport, business meetings, hotel reservations, places to visit, and other entertainment.

Booking travel tickets

The most vital element when traveling on a business trip is ensuring that your meeting is held at a specific time and agreed upon. To achieve this, you must take care of your ticket purchase in advance. Choose direct flights, so you don’t have to spend too much time on transfers.

Organizing a transfer

Business travel often includes attending various events, meetings, training, and sessions. The key thing for business travelers is to be punctual and on time, as this can make a difference in your first impression. The best solution is to arrange unified transport for employees during business trips, but also don’t forget about the option of renting a car. If only one staff member needs to go on a business trip, it is far more convenient to use a car hire service instead of a taxi. The advantages of such services are comfort and mobility. Therefore, even on a business trip to a foreign country like the UAE, it is possible to rent a vehicle beforehand. The choice of cars is huge and allows you to find both classic models and exotic rental cars in Dubai and other cities. Car renting helps you not only to be mobile but also to save some money. 


When choosing a hotel, consider its location and check the settlement hours so that the employee doesn’t have to wait right after the arrival for check-in. Consider also what form of payment is accepted by the hotel. In case you have to pay in cash, find out whether the hotel issues the supporting documents required by the accounting department for the refund.

Documents required

When organizing business travel, always be aware of the purpose of the trip. Documents and presentations may be required for negotiations, product samples are needed for new clients, and training materials are necessary for courses or training sessions. Before sending employees on a business trip, make sure they have everything they may need.


In general, after any business trip, the company should reimburse all the travel expenses incurred by the employee. However, in order to make this happen, the employee needs to provide supporting documents and receipts.

Keep in mind that the main rule of a successful business travel organization is detailed planning and control. By making a list of activities in advance, you will have greater certainty that everything is clearly organized, and you don’t need to worry about a trip. 

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