In the last ten years, blockchain technology has gotten much attention, moving it out of the realm of Bitcoin fans and into the conversations of banking experts and investors.
Disruption or development?
Blockchain technology could change industries like financial services and business practices like accounting and auditing, making it possible for new business models. Strategists, planners, and decision-makers in all industries and business functions should look into how the technology can be used to avoid surprises that could be disruptive or missed opportunities.
Blockchain allows the financial services industry to change how banks work, speed up settlements, and make stock exchanges more efficient. The shared public ledger has the potential to make banking a lot easier by lowering costs, making products better, and making banks faster. You can use the income you generate from excellent cryptocurrency exchanges like bittrader in various ways.
The following are the essential features of the technology:
Security: Because the ledger is spread across thousands of computers, it is impossible to hack. This makes server maintenance easier and makes banks safer.
Transparency: Each transaction’s sender and receiver are recorded, and anyone can look at all transactions.
Privacy: Users can move money around quickly and safely without being seen. This saves time for banks and cuts down on the cost of international transactions.
Risk: Users can’t make transactions if a bank’s system goes down. The bank’s system would work as usual if it used blockchain technology.
Blockchain could be used for anything, from storing client identities to handling cross-border payments to clearing and settling bond or stock trades to smart contracts that run themselves, like a credit derivative that automatically pays out if a company goes bankrupt or a bond that pays interest to the holder regularly.
According to a recent report by Santander, Oliver Wyman, and venture capitalist Anthemis, the technology could save banks $15bn to $20bn a year in infrastructure costs for cross-border payments, trading securities, and meeting regulations.
With regulators, digital challengers, and cyber criminals putting more pressure on big banks to update their old IT systems, Blockchain allows them to rethink what they do and redesign their business processes. People say cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology that backs them are the next big thing. One area where new technologies are likely to have a big effect is the financial sector. Even though blockchain technology is still in its early stages, it is seen by many as a game-changing, disruptive invention that has the potential to change the banking world in a big way in the coming years.
A blockchain is a decentralised, immutable database that keeps track of transactions on a network. In the past few years, Blockchain has become more popular as a technology that can be used in many fields. Many startups are based on this technology. Using blockchain technology, transactions can be saved for good in a block. It gets rid of the need for third parties.
The Advantages of Blockchain Technology
In theory, Blockchain could change the banking and financial industries in a big way. It could make a big difference in the way the financial world works.
- Transactions can be handled faster and for less money.
- In the process of letting a transaction go through, there are no middlemen.
- Decentralization, which means independence from central repositories,
- There will be less red tape and paperwork.
- Transparency
- Security for the data’s integrity
International Payments Using Blockchain
If you want to pay for something with your bank account, it could take a few days. You might have to pay a lot for the transaction if you send a payment across borders.
Regarding blockchain finance, both central and commercial banks worldwide can use the new technology to process payments and create their digital currencies. Traditional ways of making cross-border payments are slower and cost more than bank blockchains. Blockchains are global ledgers that work across borders and don’t need go-betweens to work. The slowest blockchains can finish a transaction in as little as 15 minutes, while the fastest can do it in seconds. This is true whether the transaction is local or international.
In Stock Trading, Blockchain Is Used
Trading transactions based on the Blockchain eliminates duplicate information, improving performance. So, small deals between groups of traders can be handled quickly outside the Blockchain. Only the final deals are recorded on the Blockchain.
Blockchain can get rid of the need for intermediaries in a big way when used for stock trading. Without a third party, rules can be easily put into smart contracts and put into action. This makes sure that no one can cheat anyone else.
Financing with Blockchain
When a group of lenders, usually banks, gives loans to individuals, this is called “syndicated lending” (a syndicate). Because more people are involved, it takes banks longer to process syndicated loans. Financial institutions must follow several rules, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) (AML). A syndicated loan can take a long time to get approved because so many people are involved.
Trade finance and Blockchain
Even though we live in a time when technology changes quickly, much paperwork is still involved in many trade finance activities.
In international trade, every intermediary prepares all the paperwork on their own so that their ledger is always up to date. All people involved in a transaction can keep and look at a single ledger, which can be updated in real-time.
Blockchain-based trade finance can speed up the whole trading process by getting rid of time-consuming paperwork and red tape.
Blockchain is used in auditing and accounting
By using Blockchain to standardise, auditors could automatically check the most important data in financial accounts, saving time and money. Blockchain technology makes it easy to show that electronic files are correct. One way to do this is to create a digital fingerprint for a file called a “hash string” and then write that hash string onto the Blockchain as a timestamp.
Bitcoin credit reports
With blockchain-based credit reports, it is easier and less expensive to check data. Also, since the data is no longer kept in a central location, it is given back to each person. Before giving you a mortgage, loan, or credit card, a bank must run several checks to make sure you can pay back the money and meet the agreement’s terms, like interest.